Our Mission

Our Core Values

The History of JBC

The Monadnock Bible Conference started November 4, 1965. During the summer of 1966, many people trusted in Christ while others committed their lives to Him. Area Christians started talking about having a Bible church in Jaffrey. One of them in particular, Arthur Hakala was concerned for his family. We tried to avoid having a church at the Conference because we didn’t think we could meet the needs of both a church and the Conference.
Folks attended churches in other communities for several years but came back to Monadnock in the summer of 1972 and stayed after the summer season through the following spring. Sermons were delivered by local laymen and the Conference guest speakers. At times we had the church and hundreds of teenagers together.
In March of 1973, the church moved to the Jaffrey Grade School for worship. Rev. David Moreland of Groton, Massachusetts was interim Pastor until September of that year when our present Pastor (at the time of writing), the newly married, Roland Mitcheson accepted the pastorate. We established a constitution in 1974. After 4 years in the school, we purchased Dr. Kottke’s Chiropractic Clinic, residence and 5 acres in 1977, that building being on your right.
There has always been a close relationship between the Conference and the church from sharing the same film projectors to speakers. I will always remember on occasion when the Conference finances were really low and the church voted to give us almost all of their money (giving us $2700 and keeping less than $200 for themselves). A second occasion especially meaningful to me is when the church organized a 24 hour prayer clock praying for me personally when I was ill.
On behalf of our staff and Board of Directors, God bless you Jaffrey Bible Church. May you be faithful and used of Him until He comes.
Written by: Russell Bryant
Monadnock Bible Conference (now Monadnock Christian Ministries).